Aussie's Hub: Superior Stability And Strength With Engineered Oak Flooring

Superior Stability And Strength With Engineered Oak Flooring

10:09 PM

Engineered oak flooring is an attractive affordable option for both residential and commercial properties. Engineered oak flooring is also a good alternative to solid oak flooring because it not only resembles solid oak flooring but also is much more stable due to its nature of construction. Solid oak flooring is nothing but natural oak, which has a tendency to expand and contract. Engineered oak flooring has no such issues. Thus, engineered oak wood flooring's are widely preferred by people.
Engineered Wood Flooring
Engineered Wood Flooring

What is Engineered Wood Flooring?

Engineered wood flooring consists of two or more layers of wood called ply, which is bonded together. The layers are in the form of wooden planks. The topmost layer called the lamella is the main species of wood used in the flooring and is visible to the people. For example, in engineered oak flooring, the lamella is oak. The middle and the subsequent layers are of varied species, which are hard and capable of providing dimensional stability. Stability is increased by placing each layer at 90-degree angle to the above layer. The grains of the wooden layers are in different directions, which enable the flooring to undergo minimum expansion and contraction during changes in temperature and humidity. The entire arrangement is also resistant to moisture.

Engineered wood flooring resembles solid wood floors but is dimensionally more flexible than solid wood floors. In fact, the idea of engineered wood floors was conceived to make up for the limitations of a solid wood floor. Engineered wood floors are suitable for all kinds of installation methods.

Examples of Engineered Oak Flooring

  • Compact wintry forest extra matt: The top oak layer used in this flooring has a thickness measuring 2.5mm while the thicknesses of other planks stand at 12.5mm. The floorboards feature extra matt finishing, which imparts a fine natural look to the flooring. The core layer of the flooring is a high-density fiberboard. The flooring exhibits low thermal resistance.
  • Lacquered oak flooring: The top oak layer has a thickness of 2mm. The flooring has a natural shade with a UV filter finishing, which has been lacquered. This ensures that the finishing is tough and shiny with adequate resistance against sunlight.
  • Premium oak blanc: Premium oak blanc engineered wood flooring uses high-quality European oak. The boards used in the flooring are extra wide having many stylish designs. The finishing on the planks has been done using wear and stain resistant European lacquer. This ensures that dirt and dust particles are not stuck on the floor, which makes it easy to clean. The flooring uses a highly strong joining system leaving no room for open joints. The hardwood core imparts superior stability to the floor.
  • Palazzo vintage oak matt: This is a high quality engineered oak flooring from the Palazzo collection. The long and wide planks used in the flooring feature a V joint on the longest side and are perfectly proportioned. The wide boards give the feeling of space and light to the occupants.
engineered flooring
Engineered Flooring

These are Common Installation Methods of Engineered Oak Floorings.

  • The engineered floorboards can be fixed to existing plywood or floorboards using a nail gun that fires special nails into the subfloor through the tongue of the board at an angle. The groove of the next engineered board conceals the point where the nail is fixed when it is installed. This method is known as secret nailing method.
  • In the floating floor method, the engineered floorboards are glued with each other and not fixed. The floorboards after being glued are laid on the underlay. This method requires a flat sub-floor for good installation.
  • Another method uses secret nailing method to fix the engineered floorboards to the timber joists in order to replace an existing floor or form a new floor.
These are the few factors that you need to consider in order to purchase the right engineered wood flooring for your home.

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