Aussie's Hub: Ways to Identify Problems in Your Semi Automatic Transmission System

Ways to Identify Problems in Your Semi Automatic Transmission System

8:33 PM

If you own a vehicle that features a semi-automatic transmission system, then you already know that this hybrid facility combines both the manual control of the gearbox and the ease of an automatic function. However, since it, the semi-automatic gear system that has been built on complex technology, the repair, and maintenance work on such transmission system can be a bit difficult.

People with no technical knowledge about the advanced automatic gear system should not undertake the maintenance and repair works of their vehicle. Before taking the vehicle to the specialist or before hiring one, you should be able to read the signals indicating the need for repair or maintenance for the transmission system. Here, we are going to sort out the issues your car may demonstrate for having a faulty transmission system.

Semi Automatic Transmission
Semi Automatic Transmission

Problems during Gear Shift

If you find that your transmission system has become less responsive during the gear shift, you can consider it as a problem in your transmission system. Drivers often experience a delay while shifting gears and in such situations, they find it very difficult to control the speed of the car. If you are experiencing such issues with your transmission system, you should prefer an inspection.

Leakage of Fluids

This is one of the most common problems car owners notice while having a defective semi automatic transmission system. The gearbox needs the fluid for lubrication. When you will find that the fluid has started leaking from your vehicle, you should consider a thorough inspection of your vehicle. Transmission fluids only come out from the vehicle when a problem occurs within the transmission system.
Before you call the mechanic, you can inspect the type of leaking fluid. If you find it clear, then you can consider it as a leakage; but if the fluid is dark, the problem can be multiple.

Burning Smell

You may smell like something is burning inside your car while driving. This is one of the most common symptoms of a defective semi automatic transmission system. Such smell spreads when the fluid inside the gearbox becomes overheated. If the problem remains unnoticed for a longer period of time, the damage can be serious.

Burning smell can come out from many other places. Thus, it is better to call an expert to inspect the condition of the transmission system of your vehicle, as an experienced mechanic can only find the real problem behind leakage and suggest you the best solution for this.

Semi Automatic Transmission System
Semi Automatic Transmission System

Watch Out for Unusual Noises

If it is an engine-driven car, it will definitely make noises. We are accustomed to hearing different noises while driving cars. If you have been driving cars for years, then you must be aware of common and rare car noises. Along with all usual noises that a car makes while running, you can also hear some unusual noises caused by the faulty transmission system.

If you use your vehicle on regular basis, then you should be careful about the unusual noises your car is making. The noises may intensify when you try to shift gears.

Grinding and Shaking

This is something you cannot ignore, as this symptom can give you serious trouble. You can feel this symptom while driving or changing gears. However, such problems can occur for many other reasons. Before you do anything with your gearbox, make sure that problem has been derived from your semi automatic transmission system.


If you are still not sure whether your vehicle needs repair or maintenance work, you can take your vehicle to the service center, where experts will inspect your car before reaching any conclusion. Semi automatic transmission is a complex technology and it requires the hands of experts for repair or maintenance work.      

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