
Understanding The Symbolism Behind Common Signs

11:17 PM

As we navigate our way through life, we travel through a world populated by signs. Traffic signs, shop signage, logos, and icons steering our click-happy fingers as we journey through the vast landscape of the internet. But have you ever stop to ponder the true meaning behind them? How adaptable creatives influence our decisions using colors, shapes and even typography? Welcome, dear readers, to the fascinating realm of symbol comprehension!

The intricate art of interpreting symbols dates back to the birth of communication. Early cave drawings served to communicate concepts, thoughts, and experiences. As humans became more sophisticated, so too did their need to convey complex and abstract ideas. The solution? - Symbolism.

In this blog, we will delve deep into the fascinating world of signs and their associated symbolism. We will not only decode their underlying meanings, but we will also explain the psychological effects they have on us. Whether you realise it or not, symbols have a profoundly impactful influence on our decision-making process, emotions, and behaviour.


The Power Of Colours In Symbolism

Colour is undeniably one of the most powerful means of communication available to designers. The human eye is drawn to colour, and our brains are continuously assigning meaning and sentiment to different hues.

The colour red, for instance, is universally associated with passion, excitement, and urgency. It's no coincidence that red is a popular choice for 'sale' signs, emergency signage, and cautionary signals. Conversely, the colour blue is often associated with tranquillity, reliability, and trustworthiness. That is why many corporate brands and financial institutions incorporate blue into their logos and insignia.

The transformative effect of different colours on our emotions cannot be overlooked. Yellow brings happiness and positivity, while green, the colour of nature, instils a sense of calm and refreshment. From a marketer's perspective, a clear comprehension of colour symbolism enables brands to invoke distinct responses from their target audience.

Shapes And Their Hidden Meanings

Similar to colours, shapes also play an instrumental role in the realm of symbolism. A simple curved line or an angular outline can influence our interpretation of a sign.

Circles, for example, symbolise wholeness, unity, and infinity. It is no wonder that wedding rings, timeless symbols of undying love and eternal unity, are circular. On the other hand, squares represent stability, balance, and reliability. These underlying meanings resonate subconsciously with us, whether consciously aware of them or not.

The Influence Of Cultural Context

Cultural background is a significant factor influencing the way symbols are interpreted. What is seen as good fortune in one culture might be deemed a bad omen in another.

Take the colour white, for example. In Western societies, white represents purity and innocence, hence its widespread use in weddings. But in several Eastern cultures, particularly in China and India, white is the colour of mourning and grief.

Understanding the cultural impact of symbols is not just an academic exercise; it has practical applications too, notably for businesses looking to engage with a global audience.

A Sign Of The Times: The Evolution Of Symbols

Symbols are not static; they evolve and morph along with our changing society and technology. Early symbols were predominantly physical objects or representations of natural phenomena. However, with the digital age, we’ve seen a shift towards abstract symbols.

Emoticons and emojis, for instance, have introduced an entirely new visual language, demonstrating the power of digital culture to shape symbolism.

Pros And Cons Of Using Symbols

Symbols can effectively communicate complex notions and messages efficiently. However, misinterpreted symbolism can mislead or even offend. Care must be taken to ensure that symbols are clear, cultural sensitive and contextually relevant.


Symbols are more than just decorative elements or casual doodles; they are a powerful communication tool deeply interwoven into the linguistic and cultural fabric of our societies. From the colours we associate with emotions, the shapes we interpret as signals, to the cultural nuances we understand, symbolism forms an intricate part of our collective psyche. As our society and technology evolves, so too will the language of symbols. The ability to decode this language can give one a unique insight into our shared human experience, as well as a powerful tool for communication in an increasingly interconnected world. Understanding and interpreting symbols is not just the job of the artist or designer, it requires the participation of each one of us – readers, consumers, and human beings navigating our way through the world.

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